A woman with her hands on her knees, representing the lesser-known effects of B12 deficiency, such as tingling and numbness.

Tingling, numbness and more: Five unexpected symptoms caused by B12 deficiency

December 6, 2023

Feeling tingly, numb or forgetful lately? Constantly dragging your feet through the day no matter how much sleep you get? There could be an unexpected culprit behind these frustrating symptoms: low levels of vitamin B12.


A B12 deficiency that persists unchecked has the potential to progress to permanent nerve damage, so it’s important to recognize the signs and intervene if needed. Here are five key symptoms to look out for along with information about how you can get your levels checked.


What is vitamin B12, what food sources have B12 and why do you need it?

Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient that helps keep the body’s nerve and blood cells healthy. It’s involved in DNA production while supporting a healthy mood and energy level. Since your body doesn’t produce B12, it must be obtained through your diet. Vitamin B12 can be found naturally in many animal-based foods like meat, fish, eggs and dairy products or it can be obtained through dietary supplements.


Vitamin B12 deficiency can affect people of any age, and symptoms can develop suddenly or slowly worsen over time. In the most severe cases, it even can mimic the effects of Alzheimer's disease and multiple sclerosis if left untreated due to symptoms such as memory loss, confusion and nerve problems.


If you are worried that you may have a deficiency, the Labcorp OnDemand Vitamin B12 Test can easily check your levels.


Here are five symptoms that may be tied to low B12 levels:

  1. Tingling and numbness: One of the most common symptoms is a tingling, prickling or numb sensation in the hands or feet. This can happen if the vitamin deficiency causes damage to the myelin sheath, which is a protective layer that surrounds and protects nerve fibers. The tingling and numbness tend to start in the hands and feet and can spread up the limbs and to other parts of the body.
  2. Changes in memory and thinking: Vitamin B12 helps maintain the health of nerve cells, including those involved in memory and thinking skills. A deficiency can cause problems with confusion, memory loss and difficulty concentrating or thinking clearly.
  3. Clumsy coordination: Low B12 can also affect coordination, balance and fine motor skills if it causes damage to the nerve cells. This can result in problems with stumbling, dropping things or simply feeling “off” or not quite right.
  4. Fatigue: Another common symptom of B12 deficiency is fatigue or weakness. Since B12 is needed to convert food into energy, low levels can leave you feeling run down no matter how much rest you get. Fatigue caused by B12 deficiency can range from mild to severe exhaustion, making it hard to get through your normal daily activities.
  5. Shortness of breath: Finally, a B12 deficiency can affect your body’s ability to produce healthy red blood cells. If B12 levels aren’t sufficient to support healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen, it can result in shortness of breath with even simple, everyday activities like walking short distances.


How to know if your symptoms are related to B12 deficiency

The symptoms caused by B12 deficiency can be confusing and concerning. Fatigue, tingling, memory issues and breathlessness can be hard to link to a specific cause, but if the symptoms sound familiar, a B12 deficiency may be to blame. The good news is that you can quickly purchase a Labcorp OnDemand Vitamin B12 Test, provide a sample at one of Labcorp’s 2,000+ patient service centers and get your results in your Labcorp Patient™ account.


Knowing your B12 level can provide important insights into your health.  Don’t live with unexplained symptoms; take control by testing your B12 level today. If your result reveals the possibility of B12 deficiency, follow up with your healthcare provider who can help you determine why your level is low and how best to address it.