All Tests, Immunity & Infectious Disease, Immunity
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Hepatitis A Antibody Test

$ 69.0

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Discover your hepatitis A antibody status with confidence

The Hepatitis A Total Antibody (IgG and IgM) Test is a valuable tool for assessing your body's protection against the hepatitis A virus. This blood test detects antibodies against hepatitis A in your blood, providing insight into your immunity status. Understanding your hepatitis A antibody status can help inform decisions about vaccination or previous infection. This total hepatitis A antibody test detects both IgM and IgG antibodies, but it cannot differentiate between current and past infections or immunity from vaccination.


Note: This test is not intended to be used to diagnose a current active hepatitis A infection. Those with any symptoms of hepatitis A infection should contact a healthcare provider for next steps.

Hepatitis A Antibody Test
$ 69.0

Test Details

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Sample Type: Blood
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Collection Method: In person at a Labcorp location
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Age: 18+
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Results: 1-2 days from when your sample arrives at our lab
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HSA/FSA: Accepted
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Test must be taken by purchaser

Preparation: If you’re taking a supplement containing biotin (also called vitamin B7 or B8, vitamin H or coenzyme R), commonly found in products promoting nail, skin and hair health, we recommend that you wait at least 72 hours from your last dose before taking the test.

What's Tested
  • Hepatitis A Virus Antibody

    This test detects your total hepatitis A antibodies in your blood, including IgM and IgG. The presence of these antibodies indicates that you have either been vaccinated or exposed to the virus. Detection of hepatitis A antibodies is considered evidence of immunity to infection. Understanding if hepatitis A antibodies are present helps assess your protection against hepatitis A infection.

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  • Hepatitis A is a liver infection caused by the hepatitis A virus. Infected individuals may have no symptoms at all, but some may experience mild to severe illness that lasts between a few weeks to several months. Unlike other forms of viral hepatitis, hepatitis A does not cause chronic liver disease and is rarely fatal, but it can cause debilitating symptoms.

    There is a safe and effective vaccine available for hepatitis A. The vaccine provides long-lasting protection against the virus.

  • The Hepatitis A Total Antibody Test detects total antibody (IgG and IgM) against hepatitis A virus. Hepatitis A total antibody is used to identify previous vaccination or past and recent infections.

  • A positive result for hepatitis A total antibodies indicates that you have antibodies against hepatitis A virus, either due to vaccination or previously resolved infection or active infection. The detection of antibodies is considered evidence of immunity against hepatitis A virus.

  • This test is recommended for individuals who are unsure of their vaccination status, those planning for international travel, or people working in high-risk settings.

    Please note: This test detects whether you have antibodies against hepatitis A virus. This test does NOT screen for active infection of hepatitis A.

  • If you do not have documentation of previous vaccination for hepatitis A, a negative result on this test may indicate that you're not immune and potentially susceptible to infection. You should consult with a healthcare provider to determine if vaccination is right for you.

  • Visit the Labcorp OnDemand website to browse and purchase laboratory tests and create your Labcorp OnDemand account. All Labcorp OnDemand testing requires a healthcare provider order; for your convenience, Labcorp OnDemand has contracted with PWNHealth LLC and its affiliated professional entities (collectively, PWNHealth) to provide healthcare provider services. Visit a Labcorp location for sample collection; or, if using an at-home kit, collect your sample yourself. We’ll let you know when your results are ready to be accessed through your Labcorp OnDemand account or through your Labcorp Patient account.

  • Your results will be provided to you through our secure online portal to view or print. Results are also made available through a secure portal to the independent healthcare provider who placed your test order.  If you are accessing your results through your Labcorp Patient™ account, all users linked to the account will have access to all OnDemand test results. Results may also be provided to a local, state, and/or federal health authority; for example, many states require the testing laboratory and physician to report test results for certain communicable diseases, such as COVID-19, to local or state health departments.


    If you have questions or comments regarding the Labcorp Notice of Privacy Practices, or have a complaint about our use or disclosure of your PHI or our privacy practices, please contact:, call us at (877) 234-4722 (877-23-HIPAA) and ask for the Labcorp HIPAA Privacy Officer, or send a written request to: HIPAA Privacy Officer, Labcorp, 531 South Spring Street, Burlington, NC 27215. You also may file a complaint with the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

  • Visit the Labcorp OnDemand® website to browse and purchase laboratory tests and create your Labcorp Patient™ account to view your results. All Labcorp OnDemand testing requires an order from an authorized healthcare professional. For your convenience, Labcorp OnDemand has contracted with independent professional entities (collectively, Providers) to deliver healthcare provider services. Visit a Labcorp location for sample collection; or, if using an at-home collection kit, collect your sample yourself. We’ll let you know when your results are ready and can be accessed through your Labcorp Patient™ account.