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Anemia Test

$ 189.0

An anemia blood test could help free you from fatigue and headaches.

Anemia is a condition caused by a lack of healthy red blood cells or low hemoglobin in the blood. Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, which carries oxygen throughout the body. When those levels are low, the decrease in oxygen can cause symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness and headaches. There are many types of anemia, each with its own cause; iron-deficiency anemia is the most common. 


This anemia blood test includes a complete blood count (CBC) that measures your red blood cells to help detect anemia. Iron, B-12 and folate are also measured since mineral and vitamin deficiencies are common causes of anemia.


Anemia Test
$ 189.0

Test Details

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Sample Type: Blood
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Collection Method: In person at a Labcorp location
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Age: 18+
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Results: 1 day from when your sample arrives at our lab
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HSA/FSA: Accepted
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Test must be taken by purchaser

Preparation: Fast for 12 hours (no food or drink, except water). 

What's Tested
  • Ferritin

    A protein that stores iron inside your red blood cells.

  • Vitamin B12

    Measures the amount of vitamin B-12, a water-soluble vitamin that plays a vital role in the health of nerves and red blood cells.

  • Folate (Folic Acid)

    The B vitamin that plays a vital role in making DNA, the genetic material in cells. Folic acid is a synthesized version of folate found in processed foods and supplements. A folate deficiency can lead to health complications, especially in pregnant women.

  • Red Blood Count

    Measures the number of red blood cells (erythrocytes). Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, a protein that carries oxygen throughout the body.

  • White Blood Count

    Detects the number of white blood cells (leukocytes) in the body, cells that fight off infections and foreign agents that may infect the body.

  • Hemoglobin

    Measures the amount of hemoglobin in the blood, the oxygen-carrying protein in red blood cells.

  • Hematocrit

    Measures the proportion of red blood cells to the fluid component (or plasma) in your blood.

  • Platelet Count

    Measures the number of platelets in the blood, the cell components essential for blood clotting.

  • Iron

    Measures the level of iron, an essential mineral that is an important component of hemoglobin that serves to carry oxygen throughout the body, so that the body can produce energy.

  • Total Iron Binding Capacity

    Measures the blood’s capacity to bind iron with transferrin, a protein that combines with ferritin to deliver iron to new red blood cells.

  • Reticulocyte Count

    Measures reticulocytes (immature blood cells) to determine if your bone marrow is producing an adequate amount of red blood cells.

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  • If you’re experiencing anemia, you might be feeling symptoms such as:

    • Fatigue
    • Dizziness
    • Shortness of breath
    • Headaches
    • Weakness1


    If you’re experiencing these symptoms, it might be time to take an anemia blood test.

  • Anemia and iron deficiency are usually caused by not having enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen to your body’s tissues. Anemia can also be caused and exacerbated by:

    • Your body not producing enough hemoglobin (a vital protein that carries oxygen in your blood)
    • Bleeding that causes a loss of red blood cells or hemoglobin faster than your body can replace
    • Any condition or event that destroys red blood cells in your body1


    Additionally, there are factors that can increase your risk of anemia, including:

    • A diet low in nutrients such as iron, vitamin B12 and folate
    • Family history of sickle cell anemia
    • History of chronic conditions such as cancer, kidney disease, or diabetes
    • Family history of sickle cell anemia
  • One of the best ways to increase iron levels in your blood is by eating a healthy diet rich in iron and other nutrients. Well-balanced nutrition that includes iron-rich foods can help improve iron deficiency and vitamin deficiency anemias. Sometimes you may need to take an iron supplement if diet alone isn’t enough; however, only take an iron supplement as directed by a health care provider.


    Iron-rich foods include:

    • Lean meat and poultry
    • Seafood such as salmon
    • White beans, kidney beans, lentils and peas
    • Nuts and dried fruits.
    • Green leafy vegetables such as spinach
    • Fortified bread and breakfast cereals3


    Your body can absorb iron better when you eat it with fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamin C.

  • It may take anywhere from 3 to 6 months to restore your iron levels with proactive, healthy steps. Depending on how often you’ve needed to restore your iron levels, your provider will recommend anemia blood tests at regular intervals, usually every few years.2

  • Your testing will be performed in a CLIA-certified clinical laboratory. Labcorp provides leading-edge medical laboratory tests and services through a national network of primary clinical laboratories and specialty testing laboratories. Our labs perform regular quality assurance testing to ensure our results are accurate.

  • Your results will be provided to you through our secure online portal to view or print. Results are also made available through a secure portal to the independent healthcare provider who placed your test order.  If you are accessing your results through your Labcorp Patient™ account, all users linked to the account will have access to all OnDemand test results. Results may also be provided to a local, state, and/or federal health authority; for example, many states require the testing laboratory and physician to report test results for certain communicable diseases, such as COVID-19, to local or state health departments.  


    If you have questions or comments regarding the Labcorp Notice of Privacy Practices, or have a complaint about our use or disclosure of your PHI or our privacy practices, please contact:, call us at (877) 234-4722 (877-23-HIPAA) and ask for the Labcorp HIPAA Privacy Officer, or send a written request to: HIPAA Privacy Officer, Labcorp, 531 South Spring Street, Burlington, NC 27215. You also may file a complaint with the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

  • Visit the Labcorp OnDemand® website to browse and purchase laboratory tests and create your Labcorp Patient™ account to view your results. All Labcorp OnDemand testing requires an order from an authorized healthcare professional. For your convenience, Labcorp OnDemand has contracted with independent professional entities (collectively, Providers) to deliver healthcare provider services. Visit a Labcorp location for sample collection; or, if using an at-home collection kit, collect your sample yourself. We’ll let you know when your results are ready and can be accessed through your Labcorp Patient™ account.