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Standard Health Test

$ 99.0

Check in on your overall health status with these key routine tests.

This blood panel includes a collection of screenings commonly ordered at an annual physical to evaluate your general health. It measures the essentials including blood sugar, calcium, electrolytes, blood count and liver and kidney function. It may also be used to screen for health conditions, including diabetes.

Standard Health Test
$ 99.0

Test Details

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Sample Type: Blood & Urine
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Collection Method: In person at a Labcorp location
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Age: 18+
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Results: 1 day from when your sample arrives at our lab
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HSA/FSA: Accepted
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Test must be taken by purchaser

Preparation: Fast for 12 hours (no food or drink, except water) before sample collection. If you’re taking a supplement containing biotin (also called vitamin B7 or B8, vitamin H, or coenzyme R), commonly found in products promoting nail, skin and hair health, it is recommended that you wait at least 72 hours from your last dose before sample collection.

What's Tested

Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)

Your metabolism is the life force of all your body’s energy, turning what you eat into the fuel to support vital functions including heart rate, brain function and breathing. A metabolic test can reveal how the pieces involved are working to support your body’s needs. 


This comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP) blood test measures essential components in your blood (including sugars, minerals, electrolytes, enzymes and waste products) that contribute to your overall health and provide information on the functioning status of your metabolism, liver and kidneys. When reviewed by your healthcare provider, a CMP test with a clinical examination may help detect certain health conditions like diabetes, kidney disease, liver inflammation or electrolyte imbalances.  


Note: A CMP panel may reveal results that suggest abnormal thyroid function, but it does not directly measure thyroid function. To assess your thyroid function, consider our Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) Test or the Thyroid Health Blood Test Package, which also provides TSH results.


The CMP blood test measures key components for insights on your metabolism, liver and kidneys.
  • Chloride

    An electrically charged mineral (electrolyte) that helps regulate fluid and acid-base balance within the body.

  • Globulin, Total

    A measure of a group of proteins that function to help transport nutrients and help the body fight infections.

  • Calcium

    A mineral essential to bone and muscle health.

  • Alkaline Phosphatase

    An enzyme found in the cells of the liver and other tissue.

  • Bilirubin

    A waste product produced by the liver as it breaks down red blood cells.

  • Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)

    A protein waste product removed from the blood by the kidneys. 

  • Sodium

    An electrically charged mineral (electrolyte) necessary for healthy muscle and nerve function that also helps maintain fluid balance.

  • Potassium

    An electrically charged mineral (electrolyte) vital to a cell’s ability to take in nutrients and remove waste; it is also essential for muscle function and regulating fluid balance.

  • Glucose

    The primary type of sugar found in your blood.

  • Total Protein

    The total amount of proteins (including albumin) found in the blood that helps determine overall nutritional status.

  • Albumin

    The main protein that circulates in the blood, which provides tissue nourishment, carries substances (such as hormones and drugs) in the blood, and helps keep fluids within the blood vessels.

  • Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

    A waste product created by the body’s metabolism that helps maintain the body’s acid-base balance (pH) in the form of the electrolyte bicarbonate.

  • Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT)

    An enzyme found mostly in the cells of the liver and kidney.

  • Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST)

    An enzyme found in the cells throughout the body but mostly in the cells of the heart and liver.

  • Creatinine 

    A muscle-produced waste product filtered out by the kidneys.

  • BUN/Creatinine Ratio

    A comparison of BUN levels to creatinine levels, two waste products filtered by the kidneys.

  • Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR)

    A calculation (factored from your serum creatinine level, age, and gender) used to determine your level of kidney function; the higher your eGFR number, the better your kidneys are working; low results may be a sign of kidney disease.


  • Complete Blood Count (CBC) Test

    Your blood is perhaps the most essential substance in your body—transporting life-sustaining nutrients, hormones and oxygen all while carrying waste products for removal through the lungs, liver and kidneys. Blood is also your body's most crucial defense against fighting infections.


    This complete blood count (CBC) test counts the cells that circulate in your blood, which can provide valuable information to you and your healthcare provider about your overall health. This full blood panel may also be a first step to detecting health conditions such as anemia, inflammation, blood disorders and infection. This panel measures your red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), and platelets. This is a CBC with differential blood test, which also measures the amount of each type of WBCs that you have in your body (neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, basophils, and eosinophils).


    Note: A CBC test is not a diagnostic test and cannot confirm any specific illness or disease. Further testing and medical consultation may be required to determine the cause of abnormal results.

    This CBC blood test is the first step to detecting illnesses that can affect your overall health.
  • Red Blood Count

    Measures the number of red blood cells (erythrocytes). Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, a protein that carries oxygen throughout the body.

  • White Blood Count

    Detects the number of white blood cells (leukocytes) in the body, cells that fight off infections and foreign agents that may infect the body.

  • Hemoglobin

    Measures the amount of hemoglobin in the blood, the oxygen-carrying protein in red blood cells.

  • Hematocrit

    Measures the proportion of red blood cells to the fluid component (or plasma) in your blood.

  • Platelet Count

    Measures the number of platelets in the blood, the cell components essential for blood clotting.

  • Immature Granulocytes

    Measures the percent of white blood cells in an early stage of development which are not usually present in significant amounts in the blood.  

  • Monocytes

    Measures the level of monocytes, the type of white blood cells responsible for breaking down germs or bacteria that enter the body.  

  • Lymphs

    Measures the level of lymphocytes, the white blood cells that are vital to producing antibodies and helping the body fight against bacteria, viruses, and other threats.

  • Neutrophils

    Measures the level of neutrophils, the type of white blood cells that destroy bacteria and fungi and protect the body from infections.  

  • Immature Cells

    White blood cells in an early stage of development which are not usually present in significant amounts in the blood.  

  • Eosinophils

    Measures the quantity of eosinophils in the body, a type of disease-fighting white blood cell. 

  • Basophils

    Measures the quantity of basophils in your body, a type of white blood cell produced by bone marrow that helps the body fight parasitic infections, prevents blood clotting, and mediates allergic reactions. 

  • Mean Corpuscular Volume

    Measures the average size of the red blood cells themselves. 

  • Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin

    Measures MCH levels, the average amount of hemoglobin found in the red blood cells in the body. 

  • Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration

    Measures MCHC levels, the average weight of hemoglobin based on the volume of red blood cells.

  • Red Cell Distribution Width

    Measures the variation of size and volume of the body’s red blood cells.  

  • Immature Granulocytes (Absolute)

    White blood cells in an early stage of development which are not usually present in significant amounts in the blood.


  • Urine Analysis Test

    Produced as a waste product by the kidneys, your urine can tell you a lot about the state of your health. Many disorders may be detected in their early stages by identifying substances that are generally not present in the urine or by measuring abnormal levels of certain substances including glucose, protein, bilirubin and bacteria. 


    A routine urine analysis can aid in the detection of a variety of health conditions including urinary tract infections (UTI), kidney diseases and diabetes. 


    Note: This is not a drug test or pregnancy test. While pregnancy tests and drug screenings often include urine samples, those tests look for substances that are not included in this routine urinalysis. 

    A urine analysis can pinpoint a variety of conditions including kidney disease or diabetes.
  • Nitrite (Urine)

    Detects if nitrites, byproducts of nitrogen waste, are present in the urine. Nitrites in the urine are often the result of certain bacteria that when growing in the bladder, ureters, or kidneys can be a sign of a urinary tract infection (UTI) or other causes.  

  • Occult Blood

    Detects hemoglobin which usually indicates the presence of microscopic blood in the urine, also known as hematuria. 

  • Ketones

    Measures the level of ketones; compounds made by the liver in response to your body burning fat for energy instead of glucose. 

  • Protein (Urine)

    Measures the level of a protein called albumin in urine. 

  • pH

    Measures the acidity or alkalinity of urine. 

  • Specific Gravity

    A measure of urine concentration, determined by comparing the density of urine to the density of water, and used to help evaluate hydration status and other urinalysis results.   

  • Urobilinogen

    Measures the level of urobilinogen, a byproduct of bilirubin that is eventually eliminated through the stool and urine.  

  • Urine Appearance

    A visual examination of the urine’s physical appearance, which includes assessing color, clarity, or cloudiness. 

  • Urine Color

    The visual examination and classification of the urine’s color.  

  • WBC (white blood cell) Esterase

    Measures the levels of leukocyte esterase, an enzyme found in most white blood cells, which indicates the presence of white blood cells in urine.  

  • Red Blood Count

    Measures the number of red blood cells (erythrocytes). Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, a protein that carries oxygen throughout the body. Red blood count testing is not performed if protein, WBC esterase, occult blood, and nitrites are all negative.

  • White Blood Count

    Detects the number of white blood cells (leukocytes) in the body, cells that fight off infections and foreign agents that may infect the body. White blood count testing is not performed if protein, WBC esterase, occult blood, and nitrites are all negative.

  • Epithelial Cells (Non Renal)

    A measure of the number of epithelial cells in urine; a type of cell found on your skin, urinary tract, and organs. Epithelial cells (non renal) testing is not performed if protein, WBC esterase, occult blood, and nitrites are all negative.

  • Epithelial Cells (Renal)

    A measure of the number of epithelial cells in urine; a type of cell found on your skin, urinary tract, and organs. Epithelial cells (renal) testing is not performed if protein, WBC esterase, occult blood, and nitrites are all negative.

  • About This Test

    What's Tested

    Patient Service Centers

    Labs in more than 2,000 locations across the country.

    Circular blue dot design background.


    • A standard health test is a general health panel that measures essential blood functions, such as:

      • blood sugar
      • calcium
      • electrolytes
      • blood count
      • liver and kidney function


      Labcorp OnDemand’s Standard Health Blood Test bundles common health tests that are typically ordered during annual physical exams to assess individual’s general heath.

    • Regular health screenings can be vital for early detection of health issues, establishing a baseline, and monitoring your health over time. Health care providers typically order a general health panel on an annual basis as part of the annual physical exam.3

    • Your testing will be performed in a CLIA-certified clinical laboratory. Labcorp provides leading-edge medical laboratory tests and services through a national network of primary clinical laboratories and specialty testing laboratories. Our labs perform regular quality assurance testing to ensure our results are accurate.

    • Your results will be provided to you through our secure online portal to view or print. Results are also made available through a secure portal to the independent healthcare provider who placed your test order.  If you are accessing your results through your Labcorp Patient™ account, all users linked to the account will have access to all OnDemand test results. Results may also be provided to a local, state, and/or federal health authority; for example, many states require the testing laboratory and physician to report test results for certain communicable diseases, such as COVID-19, to local or state health departments.


      If you have questions or comments regarding the Labcorp Notice of Privacy Practices, or have a complaint about our use or disclosure of your PHI or our privacy practices, please contact:, call us at (877) 234-4722 (877-23-HIPAA) and ask for the Labcorp HIPAA Privacy Officer, or send a written request to: HIPAA Privacy Officer, Labcorp, 531 South Spring Street, Burlington, NC 27215. You also may file a complaint with the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

    • Visit the Labcorp OnDemand® website to browse and purchase laboratory tests and create your Labcorp Patient™ account to view your results. All Labcorp OnDemand testing requires an order from an authorized healthcare professional. For your convenience, Labcorp OnDemand has contracted with independent professional entities (collectively, Providers) to deliver healthcare provider services. Visit a Labcorp location for sample collection; or, if using an at-home collection kit, collect your sample yourself. We’ll let you know when your results are ready and can be accessed through your Labcorp Patient™ account.